Anne Wojcicki 23andMe set out to try and change healthcare – this is not an easy business. This is not a coffee shop in Austin. – Anne Wojcicki Austin Quotes Business Quotes Change Quotes Coffee Quotes Easy Quotes Healthcare Quotes Set Quotes Shop Quotes Being able to do research in a real-time way is the way research needs to be done in the future. All the kids from my nursery school are still in touch.
Alex Bregman To play meaningful games and try and win a division, a pennant, a World Series, that’s what it’s all about. That’s the thing I’m most proud of. – Alex Bregman
MarriageMike Rounds Marriage is one of the most sacred human institutions. I asked our Senators, as many South Dakotans have done, to protect marriage as a union between a man and a woman. – Mike Rounds
Jake Epstein If you’d ever told me that my Broadway debut would be playing Spider-Man, I would have laughed in your face. – Jake Epstein
Don Lemon Think about just how much we’d get accomplished if we collectively viewed the people with whom we came into contact as just an American and not an American with a prefix. – Don Lemon
AngerZoe Buckman For me, boxing was a way of me exercising my frustration, anger, sense of injustice, but also a way of owning my space and taking up space. Which I think as a woman in the art world is essential for surviving. You have to become comfortable going like, ‘OK, I’m going to take this wall, this wall is mine, I’m going to put my work on this wall.’ – Zoe Buckman
Jonathan Haidt When I began my work on how morality varies across the political spectrum, there was a partisan, manipulative element to it. I wanted to help the Democrats win. – Jonathan Haidt
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