ArchitectureHarry Seidler The Romans were not inventors of the supporting arch, but its extended use in vaults and intersecting barrel shapes and domes is theirs. – Harry Seidler Arch Quotes Architecture Quotes Barrel Quotes Domes Quotes Extended Quotes Intersecting Quotes Inventors Quotes Romans Quotes Shapes Quotes Supporting Quotes Vaults Quotes I don’t find Hollywood interesting, so I’m thinking of studying architecture instead. After about the first Millennium, Italy was the cradle of Romanesque architecture, which spread throughout Europe, much of it extending the structural daring with minimal visual elaboration.
Peggy FlemingPositive When the going got tough, I really had to draw on many of the same competitive instincts I did when I was skating. I really had to put my head down and stay positive. I had to fight. – Peggy Fleming
Goldie Hawn Paparazzi will try to get the most controversial picture of you in a compromising position because that’s how they’re going to sell it. – Goldie Hawn
Norman Davies Only by painting the great panorama of history, can the great history-reading public be entertained or satisfied. – Norman Davies
MedicalRicochet Luckily, here in WWE, they have a mega-awesome medical group. They’re there at every show. If something is hurting even slightly, they’re gonna ice it or something. They take care of us so well. – Ricochet
Fearne Cotton I left Radio 1 and I was about to have my daughter, Honey, my second child. I had no work at all. None. Zero jobs. I had no safety net. – Fearne Cotton
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