ArtJames Joyce It is a symbol of Irish art. The cracked looking-glass of a servant. – James Joyce Art Quotes Cracked Quotes Irish Quotes Lookingglass Quotes Servant Quotes Symbol Quotes Irresponsibility is part of the pleasure of all art; it is the part the schools cannot recognize. Great art is an instant arrested in eternity.
Natalya Neidhart I’ve been lucky enough to make history in WWE in many different ways, and I’m never going to stop dreaming big, because that’s what makes life fun! – Natalya Neidhart
Christopher McDougallStrength Endurance, after all, is the only reason we even exist. We think of ourselves as nature’s deadliest animals, but the truth is, a naked human is the biggest wimp in the wild. We have no fangs, no claws, no strength, and no speed. – Christopher McDougall
Edward Zwick There is nothing that is so serious that you can’t also see its comic side. Comedy is a way of talking about the most serious things. – Edward Zwick
Don Kardong I’ve never owned an actual trail-running shoe myself, but maybe I should. My favorite paths are fraught with peril, much of it skulking at shoelace level. A rock, a root, an errant pine cone. Wham, and you’re down, choking in dust and picking pebbles from wounds in your forearms and knees. – Don Kardong
AgeCoolJean-Claude Van Damme It looks good when you see someone kicking at the age of 51 with no double. It’s kinda cool for people to know that past 50 we can keep flexible. – Jean-Claude Van Damme
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