BirthdayGaby Hoffmann Nicole Richie invited me to her birthday party, and it was at Michael Jackson’s Neverland! – Gaby Hoffmann Birthday Quotes Invited Quotes Jacksons Quotes Michael Quotes Neverland Quotes Nicole Quotes Party Quotes Richie Quotes I was hurtling towards 40, and I’d always wanted to write. It does focus your mind, heading towards that big birthday. If there is anything you think you want to do, you think, ‘I probably should have a go now!’ The first time I ever heard Airborne Toxic Event, my friend was turning 11 or something. And he had a paintball birthday party where him and me and two of our other friends went out to these paintball courses and I got obliterated. I don’t think I got one hit.
James Redfield When we cultivate mystical awareness or transcendent identity – which is a natural outgrowth of meditation and other practices – what happens is that we begin to take a witness position on our own lives, and that includes our minds. – James Redfield
Gail Kim I am grateful to have been in this business for 16 years, which not a lot of women can say they have been fortunate to do that kind of run that many years in a row. – Gail Kim
Rashid Johnson I’ve been interested in LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka’s work for quite a while. My first introduction to LeRoi Jones was when my mother used to read me the ‘Dead Lecturer’ poems when I was a kid. – Rashid Johnson
ChristmasEllen HopkinsFamily Christmas is far and away my favorite holiday. I love everything about it, from the event that inspired it, hoping for a white one, to wrapping presents. But mostly I love having family and friends gathered, and sharing traditions. – Ellen Hopkins
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