BusinessLindsey Buckingham It hasn’t always been easy, but you get to a point where you’re not doing the solo stuff with any kind of expectation in terms of commercial or a business outcome, you’re doing it because you believe in this. – Lindsey Buckingham Business Quotes Commercial Quotes Easy Quotes Expectation Quotes Outcome Quotes Solo Quotes Stuff Quotes Terms Quotes I used to be and I still am into psychology. I would like to be able to pursue something like that, but I don’t know. The older I’ve gotten, the more endearing this business has become and I can’t really imagine leaving it. Personal relationships are always the key to good business. You can buy networking; you can’t buy friendships.
Raul The demands at Real Madrid are huge. The expectations are enormous. Sometimes, it is good. When you’re winning, it’s an amazing place and the fans are happy. – Raul
Mahima Chaudhry When you count on someone you want him to be there in times of need. I may not be there when you are popping champagne bottles but I will be there, like a solid rock, if there is a tragedy. – Mahima Chaudhry
Isabella Bird The breadfruit is a superb tree, about 60 feet high, with deep green, shining leaves, a foot broad, sharply and symmetrically cut, worthy, from their exceeding beauty of form, to take the place of the acanthus in architectural ornament, and throwing their pale green fruit into delicate contrast. – Isabella Bird
Max Planck All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter. – Max Planck
Jimmy DeanMoney I made more money yesterday than I ever thought I’d make in an entire lifetime. But it’s like somebody’s going to take it all away from me and I’ll be back in Texas, installing them damned irrigation wells. I didn’t like that when I was sixteen. And I know I wouldn’t like it when I’m eighty. – Jimmy Dean
Limmy A guy playing pool in a pub once said to me that they should put me on the telly. It went in one ear and out the other. But then I started thinking about it. I wondered how it all worked, did you have to be best mates with someone at the BBC who you went to uni with in Oxford? – Limmy
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