ChangeDries van Noten Change is not always bad. Change can be good. – Dries van Noten Bad Quotes Change Quotes Change will come slowly, across generations, because old beliefs die hard even when demonstrably false. A change of scenery can help everything.
Jess Phillips One of the things I want to achieve in the potentially short time I’m in Westminster is to stop people thinking we’re all the same. Because while they believe that, the establishment stays in the same people’s hands. – Jess Phillips
DadFrank A Clark A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be. – Frank A Clark
Rosario Dawson I’d love to be the first one to say this, but it automatically turns into – we all have those responsibilities that we ignore because we don’t feel like they’re ours. – Rosario Dawson
Joe Hart Some of my closest friends, the England lads, have played in the Champions League, so it’s a big thing to be there as well. – Joe Hart
Rachel Dolezal I’ve never been fully transparent or an open book, even to those you’d call close friends. – Rachel Dolezal
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