ComputersWietse Venema When I write software, I know that it will fail, either due to my own mistake, or due to some other cause. – Wietse Venema Computers Quotes Fail Quotes Mistake Quotes Software Quotes Write Quotes I loathe computers more and more, so I have one I can shut down and shelve like a book. I thought of computers as very low class. I thought of myself as a pure mathematician and was interested in partial differential equations and topology and things like that.
David Bergen The first accepted piece of writing is the most exciting. No other publishing experience matches it. Perhaps jaundice sets in, or expectations are raised, or one starts to think that one is better than is the truth. – David Bergen
Natalie Cole I think people just want to be popular. So they’re going to write lyrics that are going to get your attention. You know, sometimes, they’re a little graphic, and I don’t think that’s so necessary. – Natalie Cole
SpaceSunita Williams You don’t see any borders between countries from space. That’s man-made, and one experiences it only when you return to Earth. – Sunita Williams
AngerLewis Black One of the interesting things about comedy is it’s tension release, and nothing creates tension faster than anger. – Lewis Black
Justin Tranter If I’m hanging out with my friends or I’m working out, I’ll listen to female singer-songwriters from the ’90s because that’s where my heart lies. – Justin Tranter
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