CoolMike McCready There are some people who have stayed with us our whole career, which is pretty cool too. – Mike McCready Career Quotes Cool Quotes People Quotes Pretty Quotes Stayed Quotes I think it’s our responsibility as artists to not only fight for our art but fight for the communities that are the reason we’re able to continue making art, especially since, in Brooklyn’s case, we as artists somehow made it ‘cool’ enough for the bigger money-making industries to start taking over. Well, we played with Soul Coughing once for like two days, that was pretty cool. I mean they were all good, you can pull a great experience from everything.
Daisy Berkowitz It’s like tabloid news programs that talk about how horrible something is, while at the same time they’re glorifying it as their top story. – Daisy Berkowitz
FunnyHedy Lamarr Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid. – Hedy Lamarr
Jim Nantz Hello, friends.’ I’ve had fun with that expression to satisfy the cynics, but it comes from the heart, and I don’t apologize for it. Like my dad – for whom I designed the expression during the 2002 PGA Championship, when he was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease – I’ve never met a stranger. – Jim Nantz
Bruno Fernandes I see people talking about Bruno not doing so well against the ‘big six.’ People have said Bruno gives the ball away too many times when we lose a game. – Bruno Fernandes
Che GuevaraNatureTechnology Study hard so that you can master technology, which allows us to master nature. – Che Guevara
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