DeathEdward Young Our birth is nothing but our death begun, As tapers waste the moment they take fire. – Edward Young Begun Quotes Birth Quotes Death Quotes Moment Quotes Tapers Quotes Waste Quotes Sleep – death without dying – living, but not life. Death is pitch-dark, but colors are light. To be a painter, one must work with rays of light.
Erin Foster We didn’t have parents who let us get away with anything. We grew up here with privilege, and we never got a D.U.I., we never went to rehab, we never got pregnant. – Erin Foster
Greg Gutfeld The rise of ISIS, the orgy of identity politics, and the political changes they brought – how could Obama not see that coming? I blame the golf. – Greg Gutfeld
AgeMichael D Higgins Every age, after all, must have its own aisling and dream of a better, kinder, happier, shared world. – Michael D Higgins
Giacomo Casanova I have had friends who have acted kindly towards me, and it has been my good fortune to have it in my power to give them substantial proofs of my gratitude. – Giacomo Casanova
Mitch Gaylord Everyone has emotions; you just learn to use then and be comfortable with them. – Mitch Gaylord
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