DreamsMalcolm Young If you get too big for your boots, if you’ve got big dreams, you’re gonna get them broken or shattered. – Malcolm Young Boots Quotes Broken Quotes Dreams Quotes Gonna Quotes Shattered Quotes I think that I could be an example to young people, and they know that dreams come true. When you cease to dream you cease to live.
Steve Carlton I was probably in the best shape of any athlete at the time, but you don’t get to pass judgment on yourself. – Steve Carlton
Marian Seldes Confidence has nothing to do with what you look like. If you obsess over that, you’ll end up being disappointed in yourself all the time. Instead, high self-esteem comes from how you feel in any moment. So walk into a room acting like you’re in charge, and spend your energy on making the people around you happy. – Marian Seldes
Doug LarsonHappiness The world is full of people looking for spectacular happiness while they snub contentment. – Doug Larson
Andy Ngo Other tourists may remember London for its spectacular sights and history, but I remember it for Islam. – Andy Ngo
Bobby Hull I feel, first of all, very privileged that these people think enough of me that they made me commissioner. And it’s almost like, as Yogi Berra said, ‘deja vu all over again.’ – Bobby Hull
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