EducationSandra Day O'Connor We pay a price when we deprive children of the exposure to the values, principles, and education they need to make them good citizens. – Sandra Day O’Connor Children Quotes Citizens Quotes Deprive Quotes Education Quotes Exposure Quotes Pay Quotes Price Quotes Principles Quotes Values Quotes In many Asian households, to not go on to higher education, that’s like a big no-no. I know my parents’ discouragement was for my own protection, and I’m really close to them now, but they didn’t understand that there is value in this. That’s because they didn’t know. I was thinking about the women of Pakistan, those who are not allowed to get education, those who are not allowed to do whatever they want to do in their life. I hope that the families will understand that the contribution of women is important and can be more powerful for building a greater country.
Anibal Cavaco Silva Don’t expect ambiguities, hesitations or palace intrigues from me. – Anibal Cavaco Silva
Chris Patten It is almost always wrong that the time isn’t ripe to decide something. That is always said of difficult problems. – Chris Patten
Andrey Arshavin I need to have emotion to play. Emotion makes me hungry. I must prove every game that I am still strong. – Andrey Arshavin
Louise Brown Remember that what you have is unique because it’s your own special way of looking at the world. – Louise Brown
Dhani Harrison I don’t ever use my name for anything in terms of getting the music heard. – Dhani Harrison
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