HappinessPrem Rawat Happiness is your own treasure because it lies within you. – Prem Rawat Happiness Quotes Lies Quotes Treasure Quotes I don’t have to take a trip around the world or be on a yacht in the Mediterranean to have happiness. I can find it in the little things, like looking out into my backyard and seeing deer in the fields. Happiness seems made to be shared.
Julia Michaels Once I heard how deep music could touch people and what it can make you feel and all of these emotions it could bring out, I was really fascinated with it all. – Julia Michaels
Scott Evans I one time hooked up with somebody off an app who gave me an autographed copy of a book he wrote. – Scott Evans
Bo Burnham My career was exploding at the same time that social media itself was expanding. But when my online videos were taking off, I didn’t think, ‘Oh, great! I’m going to be able to parlay this into a career!’ I just wanted to be a comedian. I just wanted to perform live. – Bo Burnham
HumorLara Flynn Boyle Men love it. They have a sense of humor, whereas a lot of women are threatened or just don’t get it. – Lara Flynn Boyle
ArchitectureThom Mayne I believe that artistic activities change people. You do effect change. I see architecture as a political, social and cultural act – that is its primary role. – Thom Mayne
Jane Welsh Carlyle If I have an antipathy for any class of people, it is for fine ladies. I almost match my Husband’s detestation of partridge-shooting gentlemen. – Jane Welsh Carlyle
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