Daniel AkakaHealth A tremendous amount of needless pain and suffering can be eliminated by ensuring that health insurance is universally available. – Daniel Akaka Eliminated Quotes Ensuring Quotes Health Quotes Insurance Quotes Needless Quotes Pain Quotes Suffering Quotes Tremendous Quotes Universally Quotes It’s clear that policymakers and economists are going to be interested in the measurement of well-being primarily as it correlates with health; they also want to know whether researchers can validate subjective responses with physiological indices. I definitely find myself, as I get older, a lot more aware and concerned with the health of the sport.
Jochen Zeitz I believe in ‘business has a force for good.’ You know, business has an impact on society. Of course, it creates jobs. It creates prosperity, but on the other hand, we also leave a negative footprint behind. – Jochen Zeitz
D Imman I sing when both directors and producers compel me. I’d rather give that opportunity to a gifted newcomer, to whom it makes a huge difference. There are a lot of talented youngsters out there, who can do with such opportunities. Helping them matters to me more than my singing. – D Imman
Julianne Hough Well, what I love about ’80s rock music is the amazing, fantastic melodies. – Julianne Hough
LoveW Somerset Maugham The love that lasts longest is the love that is never returned. – W Somerset Maugham
David Dellinger Americans get fooled because we think we’re trying to help the peasants down there in El Salvador, even though we’re propping up that oppressive government, among the most brutal and militaristic in the world. – David Dellinger
Hassanal Bolkiah Brunei Darussalam is one of the oldest kingdoms in South East Asia. – Hassanal Bolkiah
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