HealthTom Allen By giving every American access to quality, affordable health care, they will create a more competitive, a stronger and more secure America! – Tom Allen Access Quotes Affordable Quotes America Quotes American Quotes Care Quotes Competitive Quotes Create Quotes Health Quotes Quality Quotes Secure Quotes Stronger Quotes Health is correlated with quality of life. If you get regular physical activity, have social connections, control your cholesterol, keep your blood pressure at a normal level, don’t smoke – these things can make an enormous difference not only in how long you live, but how much you enjoy your life in those years. We need mental health counselors in every school that needs one.
Sheena Easton I used to hate, with a capitol H, making videos. It was nothing but a chore. It was something you had to do to have your music accepted in the visual medium. – Sheena Easton
Anne-Marie Duff I was desperately shy when I was wee. Totally lacked confidence socially. When I look back at school photographs, I’m always the one shrinking in the back. What I really wanted to do was become a writer, and I don’t think the residue of that has ever gone away. I still feel the ultimate achievement would be to write a novel. – Anne-Marie Duff
DietJohn Niven I returned from my last L.A. visit to find myself tipping the scales like Homer Simpson when he tries to gain enough weight to qualify as disabled to be allowed to work from home. All I was missing was his kaftan and Fat Guy Hat. So, I decided it was time to diet. – John Niven
Dominic Holland It is the natural order of things that successive generations will achieve more than their predecessors. – Dominic Holland
HomeLoveMother Teresa Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do… but how much love we put in that action. – Mother Teresa
Jennifer Morrison I’m trying to incorporate colour into my life. Until recently, everything in my closet was black, white, grey, navy or olive. – Jennifer Morrison
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