IndependenceMike Simpson Pharmaceuticals have become an increasingly important part of modern medicine, and our seniors shouldn’t have to worry about whether they can afford the medicines they need to stay healthy and maintain their independence. – Mike Simpson Afford Quotes Healthy Quotes Increasingly Quotes Independence Quotes Maintain Quotes Medicine Quotes Medicines Quotes Modern Quotes Pharmaceuticals Quotes Seniors Quotes Stay Quotes Worry Quotes The only holiday of independence which I can never leave out is the celebration of the independence of the Jewish State of Israel. Christian conservatives care about their families eating. They’re concerned about energy independence. They’re concerned about functional government.
Christopher Daniels Fans that are excited and involved in the action can add an atmosphere that makes wrestling in front of them a great experience. – Christopher Daniels
Elizabeth Warren You have two pages, that’s the whole credit card agreement. The terms are clear and flat and easy to see so anyone can read them. So you could lay four credit cards in front of you and say, ‘Oh, that’s the one that has the highest rate, that’s the one that has the really scary provision that could hurt me.’ – Elizabeth Warren
Lydia Davis I never dream in French, but certain French words seem better or more fun than English words – like ‘pois chiches’ for chick peas! – Lydia Davis
Samuel Johnson He who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do anything. – Samuel Johnson
Marsha Blackburn Most website developers say an aggregator website, such as what is, could be built easily for a half a million dollars. They have spent a half a billion dollars. – Marsha Blackburn
Brendan Hunt Soccer. I was a late convert. I didn’t get into it until I lived in Amsterdam for a while in my 20s, and now I’m a zealot. It’s the best. – Brendan Hunt
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