John Millington SyngeKnowledge The general knowledge of time on the island depends, curiously enough, on the direction of the wind. – John Millington Synge Curiously Quotes Depends Quotes Direction Quotes Island Quotes Knowledge Quotes Time Quotes Wind Quotes We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge. Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.
Colin Cunningham I’m blessed and proud and privileged to have played two wonderful characters on television. – Colin Cunningham
Haris Pasovic Art is freedom. If we don’t have that element, we don’t feel human anymore. Art is not decoration or a function. Before all that, art is art. This connection to meaning – our inner, intuitive knowledge – is something. – Haris Pasovic
IntelligenceRobert Lepage We should never overestimate an audience’s culture, but we should never underestimate their intelligence. – Robert Lepage
Harry Hadden-Paton I was a choir boy at school, then when the choir became less cool, I became a kind of rock star in my own world. – Harry Hadden-Paton
Marcus Garvey If the enemy could only know that Marcus Garvey is but a John the Baptist in the wilderness, that a greater and more dangerous Marcus Garvey is yet to appear, the Garvey with whom you will have to reckon for the injustice of the present generation. – Marcus Garvey
D H LawrenceGardeningLove Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, and must be plucked where it is found, and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration. – D H Lawrence
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