Linda FiorentinoMarriage Marriage is a financial contract; I have enough contracts already. – Linda Fiorentino Contract Quotes Contracts Quotes Financial Quotes Marriage Quotes But I wanted marriage for myself. I was not calculating about it. I wish I was more calculating. I was looking very much for a career. My second marriage to Stan Herman had ended, and I wanted very much to be independent, not take alimony from him, be on my own, do the right thing.
Evan Rachel WoodTeen I have a very large shoebox overflowing with lyrics I’ve been writing and collecting since my teen years and into my late 20s, with lyrics from all walks of my life. Darkness, being in love, being heartbroken, finding yourself… and lyrics that I’ve been sitting on for, like, seven years, that I haven’t done anything with. – Evan Rachel Wood
Nadiya Hussain Once a month we have ‘dessert for dinner’ night. I’ll make four separate desserts. They’ll come home from school and eat as much cake and custard and ice cream as they can physically get in their guts. Because sometimes I think, let them just be children. – Nadiya Hussain
Noel Edmonds Start by writing down ten positive words to describe yourself. Write them on a card – the size of a business card will do – and bring it out whenever you feel insecure or your self-esteem is running low. Bring it out before you walk into a big party or go to an important meeting. It will help you, believe me. Carry it everywhere. – Noel Edmonds
Gary Cohn Many people are smart enough to know how to manage themselves out of the estate tax. – Gary Cohn
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