George Edward WoodberryMorningWork Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse. Murphy’s First Corollary If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the next morning you will have a flat tire. – George Edward Woodberry Bad Quotes Boss Quotes Corollary Quotes Flat Quotes George Edward Woodberry Quotes Late Quotes Left Quotes Morning Quotes Murphys Quotes Tend Quotes Tire Quotes Work Quotes Worse Quotes Don’t think in the morning. That’s a big mistake that people make. They wake up in the morning and they start thinking. Don’t think. Just execute the plan. The plan is the alarm clock goes off, you get up, you go work out. Get some. People work better when they know what the goal is and why. It is important that people look forward to coming to work in the morning and enjoy working.
Mark Cuban I don’t think there’s any question that the UFL or any other league that wants to challenge the NFL can have an impact. The demand for professional football is off the charts. – Mark Cuban
Edwin Powell HubbleHistory The history of astronomy is a history of receding horizons. – Edwin Powell Hubble
Ezekiel Elliott In playoff football, you’ve got to be physical. You’ve got to run the ball. – Ezekiel Elliott
Dianne Feinstein Nuclear weapons present us with a paradox: We spend billions of dollars building and maintaining them in the hope that we never have to use them. – Dianne Feinstein
Kendall Jenner It’s true, I used to be so shy. I used to never talk, just sit back and do my thing. I was never bullied, though, and it was never like it was something that needed to be ‘fixed’, like being shy is a bad thing. – Kendall Jenner
Lawrence Halprin One is, that they will feel about you that you’re going to make something wonderful for them. And they help you by expressing themselves. Not telling you how to do it, but encouraging you and accepting your vision and working with you on that kind of a level. – Lawrence Halprin
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