Anne RiceReligion I broke with my religion in college. – Anne Rice Broke Quotes College Quotes Religion Quotes One man’s cult is another man’s religion. I disagree with a couple of the stances of the Catholic Church. My older brother is gay, and it’s important for me to be able to love him completely and freely, and it’s important for me to spread beliefs in the world that are not going to limit people in their love. I can’t support a religion that doesn’t support my brother.
EducationJim Hunt Education is the foundation for all we do in life, it shapes who we are and what we aspire to be. Creativity fuels innovation, and it’s what all states should strive to instill in the next generations. – Jim Hunt
InspirationalNicolaus Copernicus Of all things visible, the highest is the heaven of the fixed stars. – Nicolaus Copernicus
Gaspar Noe Death is not evil. Death can be good news. It all depends. Some people come to this world and live in hell so birth is not always positive. Death can sometimes be positive. – Gaspar Noe
Rodney Atkins I guess I do prefer a ball cap. I have performed without a cap, mostly at funerals and weddings. – Rodney Atkins
Billy Crudup The truth is I don’t think actors should have to do anything but come in and act. I feel the film companies should pay for proper advertising to see that the movie will sell instead of putting it on our backs. – Billy Crudup
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