Mick FleetwoodRespect I keep fit, I work out, I eat pretty damn well, I don’t drink like a fish, and all of those things are tempered with a holistic mind-set that you need to damn well respect the vehicle that you’re walking around in. – Mick Fleetwood Damn Quotes Drink Quotes Eat Quotes Fish Quotes Fit Quotes Holistic Quotes Mindset Quotes Pretty Quotes Respect Quotes Tempered Quotes Vehicle Quotes Walking Quotes It’s just hard in our league to see somebody who has had that much sucess, that’s done that well, that’s that well-respected, not just among coaches but the whole basketball world has great respect for David Blatt. That’s hard anytime you see a coach go when they make a change. This world belongs to all of us, and all sexes should be able to live in respect and harmony.
Jay Williams I love journalism and broadcasting. So I’m happy about my life and I wouldn’t change a thing. – Jay Williams
Rose Ayling-Ellis They’re really supportive, and I love my family to bits, but I did feel, growing up, that I would love to have a deaf brother or sister, or someone deaf in my family. I was very lucky I had deaf friends and deaf people around me. But I wish I’d had a deaf role model. – Rose Ayling-Ellis
Montesquieu If we only wanted to be happy, it would be easy; but we want to be happier than other people, and that is almost always difficult, since we think them happier than they are. – Montesquieu
Chuck Mangione I do not mind having written the song at all. I just wish that I had written it in a different key, as the high d is hard to play. I am glad that I wrote something that brought joy to millions of people. – Chuck Mangione
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