Aaron Ruell The mindset that I have on every project I take on is, ‘How do I make this interesting enough for me to want to stop and look at it?’ So in that regard, what I do behind the camera, whether it’s still or motion picture, is the same. – Aaron Ruell Camera Quotes Mindset Quotes Motion Quotes Picture Quotes Project Quotes Regard Quotes If I do a certain number of ads, I have to do a personal project in between, just for my own sanity. I still consider myself a punk-rock kid. I like to mix pieces in my art direction from the ’60s or the ’40s and the ’90s and present-day stuff. To me, that feels very real. When I go into people’s houses, it’s not all today.
Anne Applebaum Clearly, the qualities Poles admire in a secretary of state – foreign languages, diplomatic experience, even sense of humor – are emphatically not those desired in a head of state: So be it. – Anne Applebaum
Antoine ArnaultBeauty We have received a heritage of craftsmanship, of aesthetics, of taste, of identity. Our brands have the beauty to preserve and perpetuate it. – Antoine Arnault
Charlie Sifford Prejudice hasn’t changed to this day, not in golf. Maybe in other sports. – Charlie Sifford
Alfred A MontapertGreatImagination To accomplish great things we must first dream, then visualize, then plan… believe… act! – Alfred A Montapert
Ben Askren As long as I’m speaking the truth, I’m going to be OK with what I’m saying. That’s kind of how I’ve lived my whole life. – Ben Askren
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