Aasif Mandvi I’m a little bit like a turducken: I’m sort of like an Indian person, wrapped in a British person, wrapped in an American kind of thing. – Aasif Mandvi American Quotes Bit Quotes British Quotes Indian Quotes Person Quotes Sort Quotes Turducken Quotes Wrapped Quotes That’s the Indian in me – you must put spices on everything. As a kid, whenever we got sick, my mom would take milk and put turmeric in it. That was our medicine. That was the cure-all. Some people turn to Robitussin. In Britain, you never get away from the fact that you’re a foreigner. In the U.S., the view is it doesn’t matter where you come from.
Nancy Dubuc It never seems like a good idea to do something that’s way out there. But usually, the thing that’s way out there is where we are heading. – Nancy Dubuc
Ginger Zee People see me for 30 seconds at a time, and they see someone who’s got a hair and make-up team that put them together, and they’re looking all right in the world, but it’s not. – Ginger Zee
Robert J Bentley We have to have an adequate number of taxes and an adequate amount of taxes. – Robert J Bentley
Paul Michael Glaser First of all I thought it was ugly, I thought it was ridiculous that undercover police guys would drive a striped tomato and I’ve never been a big champion of Ford. – Paul Michael Glaser
Daniel Jacobs I think it’s a true blessing and great opportunity for me to represent, not only New York boxing, but coming from Brownsville where boxing has been the essence of the neighborhood. – Daniel Jacobs
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