Adam Ferrara I said I wanted to strap guns on an El Camino. When I brought it up at a meeting, they said great. I realized there’s no adult in the room. – Adam Ferrara Adult Quotes Brought Quotes Camino Quotes El Quotes Guns Quotes Meeting Quotes Realized Quotes Strap Quotes I do stupid stuff like that: I’ll call my wife from the road, send her pictures of glaciers. If you’re in California, and it’s raining, stay home because nobody can drive in the rain. It’s like it’s raining frogs. They’re terrified.
Henri La Fontaine Peoples will be as before, the sheep sent to the slaughterhouses or to the meadows as it pleases the shepherds. – Henri La Fontaine
Agnes MooreheadGovernmentHome A child is born with a degree of primitive savagery and somebody must discipline it out of him. This Is where the government of the home comes in. – Agnes Moorehead
Caroline Knapp Surely, it’s one of terrorism’s intended effects, to literally stun our morale, to blow up strength and will along with buildings, and the reaction is hard to counter. – Caroline Knapp
ChanceGavin Newsom You only get one chance in this thing called life. I know that is a bit maudlin and obscure, but it’s a fact, and you can make a profound difference in people’s lives without having a title in front of your name. – Gavin Newsom
John Grisham Writing’s still the most difficult job I’ve ever had – but it’s worth it. – John Grisham
Brad Stevens Two points doesn’t seem like a lot, but there’s only 2 points that separate the best from the worst sometimes. – Brad Stevens
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