Adam Goodes There’s nothing, today, that excites me, or that makes me think I would like to be back in AFL circles. I have no interest. No interest whatsoever. My love for the game died inside of me in those final years of me playing. – Adam Goodes Afl Quotes Circles Quotes Died Quotes Excites Quotes Final Quotes Game Quotes Love Quotes Playing Quotes Whatsoever Quotes Yeah you just have to be true to yourself, know where you come from, make sure that your relationships with family members back in country, back home, are really strong so that connection is always there. For me it’s about supporting our Indigenous kids and completing that whole journey: early childhood, primary school, high school, university and then career. I want to be a part of that process all the way, wearing lots of different hats.
Larry Brown Leading the SMU men’s basketball program is an honor and a responsibility that I take very seriously. – Larry Brown
Kate Hudson I’m not afraid of heights. I rock climb. I can repel off the side of a building. – Kate Hudson
Diamond Dallas Page I’m not going to have anyone tell me what I can do promoting my product. – Diamond Dallas Page
Justin Timberlake My biggest challenge was to make sure that the songs I did were who I am. – Justin Timberlake
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