Adam Lallana We don’t ever want to be complacent, and it’s good to look back and see places you can improve. That’s a good mentality to have. – Adam Lallana Complacent Quotes Improve Quotes Mentality Quotes At times you’ve got to be patient, and that’s it. I just take it; another good training week, train hard and train strong, look to perform there and hopefully start at the weekend. When someone else is injured, they are the ones who motivate you. It’s not just for yourself – it’s for them.
Alex Padilla Accountability for police officers should be an expectation, not an aberration. – Alex Padilla
DreamsMotivationalPope John XXIII Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do. – Pope John XXIII
Rei Kawakubo It’s interesting for me to sell Comme des Garcons in places it’s never been sold before to people who might not have heard of Comme des Garcons. – Rei Kawakubo
Bob Peterson Some of my favorite media is the still cartoon that you can sit and study. You can get amazing metaphors across really quickly. I’m in awe of a Charles Schulz. – Bob Peterson
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