Adam Rippon I love being on Twitter and interacting with different people. Also, I very dangerously love to go shopping online! – Adam Rippon Dangerously Quotes Interacting Quotes Love Quotes Online Quotes People Quotes Shopping Quotes Twitter Quotes There’s no such thing as a wardrobe malfunction – only a wardrobe opportunity. I remember seeing people who I thought were so confident and exuberant. I remember being young and watching Oprah and being like, ‘Damn. That lady is so confident. She can talk to anybody.’
Christopher Lloyd I find it difficult to work if I don’t know the lines, you know, and not just knowing – they’re second nature to me. Then, whatever happens in the performance when you’re actually doing it, you’re not going to go off. You’re going to retain all of that. So I like to have my lines. – Christopher Lloyd
Michael Behe The point here is that physics followed the data where it seemed to lead, even though some thought the model gave aid and comfort to religion. – Michael Behe
Danny Strong I wouldn’t say I’m a political junkie. I follow it. I read a few articles every day. – Danny Strong
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