Adrian McKinty With a few notable exceptions, literary fiction in the U.K. is dominated by an upper and upper middle-class clique who usually have a tin ear for the demotic and who portray working-class characters with, at best, a benevolent condescension. – Adrian McKinty Benevolent Quotes Characters Quotes Clique Quotes Condescension Quotes Demotic Quotes Dominated Quotes Ear Quotes Exceptions Quotes Fiction Quotes Literary Quotes Middleclass Quotes Notable Quotes Portray Quotes Tin Quotes Upper Quotes Workingclass Quotes Because of England’s lack of social mobility, unless they make truly heroic efforts, writers who are privately educated and then go on to Oxbridge or an institution like the BBC will generally embarrass themselves when they attempt to have a go at working- or lower middle-class characters. When a locked-room mystery doesn’t work, the solution makes you groan, and the book gets hurled across the room.
Henry A Wallace The symptoms of fascist thinking are colored by environment and adapted to immediate circumstances. But always and everywhere they can be identified by their appeal to prejudice and by the desire to play upon the fears and vanities of different groups in order to gain power. – Henry A Wallace
Jim Ratcliffe Germany has great skill levels, great infrastructure, high-quality plant. If you go to the U.K., we’re very creative, and we’ve got the language, but energy costs are pretty much the most expensive in the Western world; pensions are pretty expensive, and the skills are significantly below those in Germany and the U.S. – Jim Ratcliffe
Alex Pareene Rush Holt would be a fine senator. He’s an actual physicist, which is neat. He cares very strongly about global warming, which is probably the single most pressing issue of our era. – Alex Pareene
Bill Maher What Democratic congressmen do to their women staffers, Republican congressmen do to the country. – Bill Maher
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