Alan Greenspan The problem is you cannot have free global trade with highly restrictive, regulated domestic markets. – Alan Greenspan Domestic Quotes Global Quotes Highly Quotes Markets Quotes Regulated Quotes Restrictive Quotes Trade Quotes The only thing that was economic, I might say, about my music career, aside from the fact that I did everybody’s tax returns in the band, was the decision I made to leave the music business on economic grounds. I was a fairly good amateur musician, and I was an average professional. But the one thing I saw was that the big band business was fading. So I made an economic decision, and it turned out the best judgment I ever made in my life.
Howard Fast I always thought that socialism here would be peculiarly American, with some reasonable, post-industrial evolution between working-class needs and market forces. It won’t be bloody like the Russian Revolution. – Howard Fast
Elizabeth Warren Part of my job is to make sense of all that I hear, and to retell it in a forceful way so that the decision-makers at Treasury can hear it. At least that’s how I see it. – Elizabeth Warren
Randy Pitchford In ‘Condition Zero,’ failure has greater consequences and success offers greater rewards. – Randy Pitchford
MIA I don’t support terrorism and never have. As a Sri Lankan that fled war and bombings, my music is the voice of the civilian refugee. – MIA
Joe Buck I’d be willing to do anything once. I did live bass fishing on TV. I’ve done horse jumping… so clearly I’m not very picky. – Joe Buck
Mark Parker Eventually, I developed compartment syndrome in my calf and had to get surgery. I run three to five days a week now, mixed in with walking and other things. I want to run just because I enjoy it. – Mark Parker
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