Alex O'Loughlin I tore my right shoulder to pieces – three external tears, a labrum tear, and a detachment of the bicep tendon. – Alex O’Loughlin Bicep Quotes Detachment Quotes External Quotes Labrum Quotes Pieces Quotes Shoulder Quotes Tear Quotes Tears Quotes Tendon Quotes Tore Quotes Losing my anonymity in this world I think is something that I find terrifying. I’ve knocked my front teeth out. I’ve got fake front teeth.
Jason McCourty I think every step you take moving forward, and any type of success you have, you just want to cherish it for a second before you move on. – Jason McCourty
Dick Strawbridge When I joined the Army in the late ’70s, there was a real threat from Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, so all of the ’80s, I was engaged in what could be classed as conventional operations – that involved digging lots of trenches in Germany. – Dick Strawbridge
Josh Pais I could’ve shot the whole East Village, because it was and is my neighborhood. But Seventh Street is precious to me. – Josh Pais
Brandi Carlile I grew up in a single-wide, three-bedroom mobile home with my family. And now I see them, like, half a dozen times a year. Figuring out how to come home and talk to them again and feel like myself has probably been the greatest challenge. – Brandi Carlile
Angelina JolieFamily We care for each other and care about our family, and we are both working towards the same goal. – Angelina Jolie
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