Alexander McCall Smith I just focus on getting the first scene right, with a few lines about the overall plot, and then the book grows organically. – Alexander McCall Smith Book Quotes Focus Quotes Grows Quotes Lines Quotes Organically Quotes Plot Quotes Scene Quotes There is this intimacy still in Botswana. It’s a country of just under two million people, and there’s this sense of connectedness, in that people tend to be related to one another. That my philosophy of life is, as far as possible, one of enjoyment. I’m not nihilistic.
Marlon Vera I’m not gonna wrestle you, I’m not gonna strike you, I’m not gonna jiu-jitsu you, I’m gonna fight you. – Marlon Vera
John L Phillips After assembly complete, when we have a larger crew on orbit, a more complex vehicle, more laboratories and more robot arms, maybe we’ll have room for specialists. But right now we don’t. – John L Phillips
Rainbow Rowell Attraction is what happens between you. It’s not universal. And it’s not conventional. And thank God for that. – Rainbow Rowell
Russi Taylor You know how kids have a meltdown? They’re overtired or overstimulated? Every once in a while, Wayne, as Mickey, would say, ‘Aw, what’s the matter, little fella?’ And the kid would stop crying, his eyes would get big, and he’d look around, and the parents would say, ‘What just happened?’ – Russi Taylor
Gus Kenworthy My mom has been there for me in moments where I definitely needed her the most, and she has this inherent way of knowing exactly what to say and exactly how to talk to me, whatever the situation. – Gus Kenworthy
Lin-Manuel Miranda Anytime you write something, you go through so many phases. You go through the ‘I’m a Fraud’ phase. You go through the ‘I’ll Never Finish’ phase. And every once in a while you think, ‘What if I actually have created what I set out to create, and it’s received as such?’ – Lin-Manuel Miranda
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