Alice Eve I have deep compassion and support for Bruce Jenner. – Alice Eve Bruce Quotes Compassion Quotes Deep Quotes Jenner Quotes Support Quotes Both my parents are actors. I grew up on romantic comedies and love watching those films. They were, like, a real joy and a source of great pleasure and an escape.
Bethany Hamilton Besides surfing, I play tennis, volleyball, I swim, I run hills, or I do high-intensity, high-interval workouts. I’m up at 5 A.M. every day. – Bethany Hamilton
Bharti Singh The last 30-32 years I haven’t taken care of myself, and would eat at odd times. That caused a lot of issues and I was even at borderline diabetes. – Bharti Singh
Colby Covington Ben Askren, the only thing we have in common… I have a real belt. He has some belts from back in the day that don’t even matter anymore. – Colby Covington
Franck Ribery When you’ve been Bayern for so long and it’s your second home, moving away from here is not easy. – Franck Ribery
Brenda Song I’m a huge breast cancer awareness advocate because my mom went through breast cancer recently. It really brought our family closer. – Brenda Song
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