Alice Levine I sometimes stop and wonder if I have a superhumanly high pain threshold and I just don’t know it… But then I stub my toe and think probably not. – Alice Levine Pain Quotes Stub Quotes Superhumanly Quotes Threshold Quotes Toe Quotes Radio is immediate and experimental. It’s really lo-fi – you can have an idea, go out and record something, come back in and just put it on air. There’s a lot of places where you can go to understand and to learn what it is that British nationalists believe and feel, and to see them in a political setting.
Samuel Freeman Miller A vile and overbearing temper becomes sometimes, in one long accustomed to the exercise of power, unendurable to those who are subject to its humors. – Samuel Freeman Miller
Blake FarentholdChristmas I’ve got a quad copter on my Christmas list, as I suspect quite a few people do. – Blake Farenthold
Charisma Carpenter Oh heck yeah, I totally would love to have a Phantom Dennis in real life. – Charisma Carpenter
Mirai Nagasu A long time ago, a sports reporter wrote that I wasn’t strong in the free-skate, that I was more of a short-program skater. And that bothered me because I work so hard every day just for a person to judge me on a couple of bad skates and deem me a bad free skater. That’s absurd! – Mirai Nagasu
Dominic Cummings Victoria Woodcock ran Vote Leave – she was a truly awesome project manager and without her Cameron would certainly have won. – Dominic Cummings
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