Amine As an artist in this day and age with social media, you feel more like an object than you do a human. – Amine Age Quotes Artist Quotes Day Quotes Feel Quotes Human Quotes Media Quotes Object Quotes Social Quotes I loved growing up in Portland because I’m not from L.A. or New York or Chicago or some cool city… It was a very regular suburban life. I don’t really care how people see me in my natural state, in a comfortable state.
Paul Muldoon Your average pop song or film is a very sophisticated item, with very sophisticated ways of listening and viewing that we have not really consciously developed over the years – because we were having such a good time. – Paul Muldoon
Charles SpurgeonGreatKnowledgeMen Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. – Charles Spurgeon
Godfrey Reggio In terms of the feeling of the piece, I cant think about what people are gonna think about it, what are the critics gonna say, I’m trying to bring some resolution, and realize that myself. It’s a struggle; it’s a process that gets us this. – Godfrey Reggio
Madison Beer People say I’m too skinny, but if I gain a little weight, they say I look chubby. You can’t please everyone. As long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters. – Madison Beer
Francisco Goya With all my work, I have not more, with my shares in the bank and the Academy, than twelve or thirteen thousand reales a year, and with all this, I am as contented as the happiest man on earth. – Francisco Goya
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