Andrew Garfield Everyone has made themselves into a commodity with Facebook, Twitter – with all of these things, you’re commodifying your life every time you post an Instagram picture. – Andrew Garfield Commodifying Quotes Commodity Quotes Facebook Quotes Instagram√¢ Quotes Life Quotes Picture Quotes Post Quotes Time Quotes Twitter Quotes We were under a lot of financial pressure when I was growing up. I sincerely want to help create beauty in the world and move a culture of separateness back towards community. I really, really do, and I think art is a powerful way of doing that.
Sloane Crosley Juice cleansing has been all the rage for some time. And I used the word ‘rage’ advisedly; one must push a violent flood of liquidised vegetables and fruit through one’s system for at least three days in order to perform a ‘cleanse.’ – Sloane Crosley
Misha Green Sometimes you don’t find out why you needed to tell a story until you’re telling it. – Misha Green
Hal SparksMoney It’s better to waste money, than it is to waste time. You can always get more money. – Hal Sparks
S Truett Cathy I have people say, ‘I’ll come to work for you for free,’ and I tell my employees they have to compete with that. – S Truett Cathy
Greg Rucka I do crazy amounts of research. I want this stuff to ‘work,’ so to speak. I need to be, at least to me, believable – because if I feel – if I cannot invest some element of verisimilitude, the reader is absolutely not going to buy in. – Greg Rucka
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