Angela Yee I’ve always been an idea person, so I’ve always been great at having ideas, just not having the resources to make them happen. – Angela Yee Happen Quotes Idea Quotes Ideas Quotes Person Quotes Resources Quotes Bigger risk equals bigger reward. There can never silence or dead air so you’re constantly having to talk about something even if in your head you’re like ‘I don’t even know what I’m saying right now.’ But you have to still be interesting.
Megan Anderson I kind of see myself like a Brendan Schaub, coming from MMA. He’s set himself up really well as an analyst. I feel it’s something that people will be interested in because there aren’t a lot of female analysts like that who have had that experience. I think I can definitely find the niche there that will work well for me. – Megan Anderson
David Berman I read Henry Miller’s ‘Nexus,’ ‘Sexus’ and ‘Plexus’ the summer after I graduated from college. It cemented my decision to spurn any and all careers. – David Berman
Steven Wright In Vegas, I got into a long argument with the man at the roulette wheel over what I considered to be an odd number. – Steven Wright
James Cook Ambition leads me not only farther than any other man has been before me, but as far as I think it possible for man to go. – James Cook
Gary VaynerchukPatience You have to respect your parents. They are giving you an at-bat. If you’re an entrepreneur and go into the family business, you want to grow fast. Patience is important. But respect the other party… My dad and I pulled it off because we really respect each other. – Gary Vaynerchuk
Basil Hume Even though you find yourself in an intolerable position, one in which you think you have no right to be, accept it here and now as the Cross; then, later, you can plan how to do better. – Basil Hume
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