Ann Coulter If we’re so cruel to minorities, why do they keep coming here? Why aren’t they sneaking across the Mexican border to make their way to the Taliban? – Ann Coulter Border Quotes Coming Quotes Cruel Quotes Mexican Quotes Minorities Quotes Sneaking Quotes Taliban Quotes I don’t apologize for supporting Trump. He said all the right things, and nobody else would even say it. I suppose it’s possible that another politician who really meant it would come along. There’s Kris Kobach, Tom Cotton, Jeff Sessions… there are probably a handful of politicians. Even Obama’s staunchest supporters are starting to leave him. Last week Michelle Obama demanded to see a copy of his birth certificate.
Jenna Dewan I would say I was always very ambitious and goal-oriented, but rather than being just a go-getter hustler, now I surrender a lot more and I trust my path a lot more. – Jenna Dewan
Fuzzy Zoeller Golf isn’t first on my list anymore. There are a lot of things ahead of golf and I have to go ahead and do those things so I can play golf. I’m tired of hurting. Tired of fighting pain. – Fuzzy Zoeller
Luther Allison But I never had that commercial opportunity to be played on the radio, so how could I be popular? – Luther Allison
Dennis Lloyd At the end of the day, I earn a living by creating music and not sharing it with anyone because I am my own master. I know my worth. – Dennis Lloyd
Anubhav Sinha I aspired to make ‘Tum Bin II’ better than my first film, if not as good as ‘Tum Bin.’ – Anubhav Sinha
AngerBryant H McGillPower You reclaim your power by loving what you were once taught to hate. – Bryant H McGill
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