Ann Dowd I think the theater is where you stand up, and you say, ‘Here is what I have to offer.’ – Ann Dowd Offer Quotes Stand Quotes Theater Quotes All I ever wanted was a successful career as an actress. When I was pregnant with my first child, I was 35 years old, and I was working in a pet shop.
Mark Foster Writing for other people is easier than writing for myself – it’s not as personal. – Mark Foster
AngerJonathan Majors I have a very high frequency of anger, and a very high frequency of sadness. – Jonathan Majors
Ashley Cole When you’ve got certain people like Jay-Z wanting to work with me, then it makes you think people do love me. – Ashley Cole
David WalliamsFamous I’ve noticed that once you leave London you do kind of become a bit more famous. People in London are a bit too cool for school. It’s not so unusual to see someone from London in the street. But outside of London people are a bit more excited to see you and come out and support you. – David Walliams
Arjun Mathur I have a team abroad who are always on a lookout for interesting projects and opportunities. – Arjun Mathur
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