Ann Leckie Fortunately or unfortunately, NaNoWriMo requires you to write at a breakneck pace, so I got used to just pushing on through. – Ann Leckie Breakneck Quotes Fortunately Quotes Nanowrimo Quotes Pace Quotes Pushing Quotes Requires Quotes Write Quotes I do realize the impulse to classify people by the food and art they consume is strong – sometimes I have to remind myself not to do that. Fountain of youth’ is actually kind of ambiguous – does it mean a way to make everyone healthy and let them live indefinitely? Or are we talking about something that would reset you physically to the way you were in your youth, which for various reasons not all of us would be enthused about?
Dutee Chand As a child, I used to laugh when my mother spanked me. No matter what she did, she could never get me to cry. – Dutee Chand
Priyamvada Natarajan Being nimble and ready to change our minds if need be is an attribute that is crucial to live and thrive in a society that is powered by science and technology, both as an individual and as an engaged citizen. – Priyamvada Natarajan
AB de Villiers I watch the ball, and I just play. I have always said that I don’t feel there’s a big difference between the three formats. It is just a mindset, applying yourself to the wicket and conditions, and that’s always been the way that I have played. – AB de Villiers
McLean Stevenson No, I’m happy doing this. Five sweaters and a pair of dirty pants, you can make pretty good money. – McLean Stevenson
Gautam Gambhir I genuinely do not even see the stats. It is just about the ability of the individual; what he brings to the table is all that matters. – Gautam Gambhir
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