Anna Held I was very adept at acquiring languages. – Anna Held Acquiring Quotes Adept Quotes Languages Quotes I know I am very beautiful. No one could possibly look all the time like my photographs. It is dreadfully hard to live up to them. They stare at me everywhere.
Sarah Dunn A show is like it’s own thing… it’s a creation from so many people’s talent and so much energy. – Sarah Dunn
Jim Evans The vast majority of people who watch baseball can properly call 95% of all plays that happen on the field. My job is to teach you how to call the other 5%. – Jim Evans
Oscar Pistorius I don’t see myself as disabled. There’s nothing I can’t do that able-bodied athletes can do. – Oscar Pistorius
Betty CuthbertRespect My parents always encouraged me and I had a good home life. We were always taught to respect things and other people. It’s so different today, because children are just not taught the right way. – Betty Cuthbert
CommunicationJohn Hench Walt put everything he knew about communication with images into the park, so it was very familiar. – John Hench
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