Anne Stevenson I like rhyme because it is memorable, I like form because having to work to a pattern gives me original ideas. – Anne Stevenson Form Quotes Ideas Quotes Memorable Quotes Original Quotes Pattern Quotes Rhyme Quotes I dislike literary jargon and never use it. Criticism has only one function and that is to help readers read and understand literature. It is not a science, it is an aid to art. Blake has always been a favorite, the lyrics, not so much the prophetic books, but I suppose Yeats influenced me more as a young poet, and the American, Robert Frost.
Alan Alda In 2003, I almost died of an intestinal blockage when I was on a mountain in Chile, filming a segment for ‘Scientific American Frontiers.’ – Alan Alda
Bertrand RussellGreatHistoryMen The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved. To this type belong many lunatics and most of the great men of history. – Bertrand Russell
Peter T King I was born in Manhattan, raised in Queens, went to high school and college in Brooklyn. My father was a city cop for over 30 years. To me, New York values are being patriotic, being strong, not panicking when there’s a crisis, and trying to help each other out. – Peter T King
Lori Lightfoot When you’re walking down a street and you are a brown-skinned person or you’re a person that lives in an immigrant community, there’s no differentiating on – solely on the basis of what you look like. They don’t walk down the street saying, hi, I’m an immigrant; I’m here legally or not. – Lori Lightfoot
Bahman Ghobadi In Kurdistan, there’s a lot of hardship – a lot of wars, a lot of bitter and difficult lifestyles. And witnessing all those made me a director. – Bahman Ghobadi
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