Annette Funicello To some, the ’50s were a decade marked by the banal, the predictable. – Annette Funicello Banal Quotes Decade Quotes Marked Quotes Predictable Quotes The original Mickey Mouse Club, established in the ’30s, was designed to attract children to movie theaters. Of the many guests we welcomed to the Mickey Mouse Club, my absolute favorites were the Lennon Sisters.
Albert Einstein We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. – Albert Einstein
Kailash Satyarthi Economic growth and human development need to go hand in hand. Human values need to be advocated vigorously. – Kailash Satyarthi
George OrwellMenPeace People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. – George Orwell
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