Anthony Smith After the fight, yeah, it will be great to say I had the honor of competing against Shogun, but until then, Shogun is the guy who is in the way of what I want. – Anthony Smith Competing Quotes Fight Quotes Guy Quotes Honor Quotes Shogun Quotes Yeah Quotes I think that Jon, historically, is a little bit careless. Just in general, Jon tends to be careless. I never go to the media and talk about my personal contract stuff. I know that people get mad about this, but I do believe there’s something to be said for that. I don’t go to the media and try to negotiate through the media.
Ricardo Rossello Puerto Rico, within the span of two weeks, received two Category 4-5 hurricanes. That has never happened anywhere. The devastation has been enormous. – Ricardo Rossello
David Kirsch Dinner should be low in caloric intake. Foods like fish and broccoli are very good choices. – David Kirsch
Frank Mir The dieting thing, I think you have to approach as intelligently as you can. First I started as a vegetarian. And for a whole year, I gave it a shot. And it kept my weight down. But honestly, my body fat wasn’t as low – I got a little bit softer. I was getting injured a lot more. I felt a lack of ‘umph.’ – Frank Mir
Richard Foreman I’m there to make a kind of theatrical music that is desperately missing in my life. And if other people don’t like it, I’m very unhappy, but I can’t do anything about that. – Richard Foreman
Glenn Murray I am taking each game as it comes, enjoying it and taking that little bit of extra time to look around a full stadium, because I know it’s not going to last forever. But I will try and make it last as long as possible. – Glenn Murray
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