Antoine Rivarol Speech is external thought, and thought internal speech. – Antoine Rivarol External Quotes Internal Quotes Speech Quotes Man spends his life in reasoning on the past, in complaining of the present, in fearing future. Generally speaking, there is more wit than talent in the world. Society swarms with witty people who lack talent.
Meat Loaf You know, people think I named myself Meat Loaf, even though I didn’t. And they think anyone who would name himself Meat Loaf couldn’t have an IQ higher than four. – Meat Loaf
Nonito Donaire Growing up as an amateur, I wasn’t much of a power puncher. I was more of a speed guy. – Nonito Donaire
Adam Curtis In the early 1970s in Washington, a small group of young conservative activists came together to try and change American politics. They called themselves the New Right, and they were convinced that unless they did something drastic, the liberals and the left-wingers in America were going to take over the country. – Adam Curtis
Chance The Rapper Colorism and racism don’t stop when you’re a musician or when you have wealth or when you’re in any given position. – Chance The Rapper
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