Arthur Capper For the 95 per cent whose only means of schooling is the district or the city school, we must provide what we are not now providing, an education that will better fit them for the struggle of life. – Arthur Capper Cent Quotes City Quotes District Quotes Education Quotes Fit Quotes Life Quotes Provide Quotes Providing Quotes School Quotes Schooling Quotes Struggle Quotes We now consider as fundamental economic functions of the state, many duties that were left a generation ago to chance. The pressure of special interests, the demands of special sections of the state, the needs of friends, all must be subordinated to the good of the people as a whole.
Frank Wolf If there’s amnesty leading to citizenship, I’m going to vote against it again. – Frank Wolf
David James Elliott I worked with a man named Patty Crane who was Errol Flynn’s stand-in back in the ’30s in Hollywood. – David James Elliott
Marisa Tomei Not to get overly psychological about this, but it’s probably why I became an actress in the first place: for that kind of freedom and refuge, as well as for the fact that I just love acting so much. – Marisa Tomei
Dylan Thomas My education was the liberty I had to read indiscriminately and all the time, with my eyes hanging out. – Dylan Thomas
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