Avigdor Lieberman If, God forbid, a war with Iran breaks out, it will be a nightmare. And we will all be in it, including the Persian Gulf countries and Saudi Arabia. No one will remain unscathed. – Avigdor Lieberman Arabia Quotes Breaks Quotes Countries Quotes Forbid Quotes God Quotes Gulf Quotes Including Quotes Iran Quotes Nightmare Quotes Persian Quotes Remain Quotes Saudi Quotes Unscathed Quotes War Quotes I’m a settler, and I live in the Judean desert. I want the State of Israel to remain a Zionist, Jewish and democratic state. There is nothing ‘far’ or ‘ultra’ about those ideals. I also advocate the creation of a viable Palestinian state.
Heather Graham I am intrigued by different religions and respect them all, but to be honest, I feel the most spiritual when I am doing yoga or looking at an ocean. Being spiritual is feeling a connection with a higher power and knowing that life is about more than just achieving goals. It is about feeling good in the moment. – Heather Graham
ArtKate Chopin To be an artist includes much; one must possess many gifts – absolute gifts – which have not been acquired by one’s own effort. And, moreover, to succeed, the artist much possess the courageous soul. – Kate Chopin
Ben HardyThankful You’re always aware that only eight per cent of actors are in work at one time, so you’ve got to be thankful for the job you’ve got and do the best you can. – Ben Hardy
Rob Minkoff As an actor and singer, I loved to draw and I thought animation was a perfect combination of all those things. – Rob Minkoff
Peter Falk Going to Hartford turned out to be the luckiest thing that ever happened to me. – Peter Falk
Ben Ray Lujan President Joe Biden’s Secretary of Transportation must leverage strong investments in infrastructure to create new, good-paying jobs and put America’s economy on the path toward recovery. – Ben Ray Lujan
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