Ayman Odeh When I began my political career, I identified with Malcolm X. – Ayman Odeh Career Quotes Identified Quotes Malcolm Quotes Political Quotes I can argue like a Marxist about whether there was a global Jewish nation 200 years ago or whether it was just a religion. But this really doesn’t matter. Israel made peace with Egypt, the largest Arab State. There are militant Islamists there, but there is also law. There are agreements and also defense arrangements there.
Jaimie Alexander I find Los Angeles a bit desperate. For me, the energy there is bad. – Jaimie Alexander
Penn Jillette When you’re watching Psycho, there’ s that moment when you have a visceral reaction to watching someone being stabbed. And then you have the intellectual revelation that you’re not, and that’s where the celebration comes in. – Penn Jillette
John C Mather As an eight-year-old, I would listen to stories and biographies of Charles Darwin and Galileo. I also went to wonderful schools and had great teachers who inspired me. – John C Mather
LeadershipSatpal Maharaj The Congress leadership always denied responsibilities to me both within the government and within the party organisation… They would always tell me my image as a Hindu leader was a constraint on my capacity as a political leader. – Satpal Maharaj
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