Balthazar Getty It’s been such a group effort. When you’re a new band and you have limited resources, you end up getting people that are there because they love what you do, and that’s great. – Balthazar Getty Band Quotes Effort Quotes Limited Quotes Love Quotes People Quotes Resources Quotes I didn’t do the typical things that young kids do. Even in my darkest times I knew I had a good future ahead of me.
John Kenneth Galbraith In all life one should comfort the afflicted, but verily, also, one should afflict the comfortable, and especially when they are comfortably, contentedly, even happily wrong. – John Kenneth Galbraith
BirthdayJulia Davis Robin’s Test’ is more contemporary than what I normally do. It’s about couples going on a camping holiday for a 50th birthday. Two couples go, and then this other couple were going to come, but they’ve broken up, and so the man from that couple turns up, but with a new girlfriend that nobody likes – and I’m playing that character. – Julia Davis
Bob Menendez Don’t blame America for the thousands of Cubans who have been arrested, detained, and imprisoned by Castro for peacefully protesting the regime. – Bob Menendez
Don Ameche My father ran a saloon in Kenosha, Wis., which is just about as rough a living as I can think of. It was brutal; it scared the hell out of me. I was so petrified all the while I was a child, I didn’t know what I was doing half the time. – Don Ameche
Russ I started playing instruments before I started making beats, and I was never the best guitarist or the best pianist or the best drummer. And when I started making beats, I was not the best beatmaker, and when I started making hooks, I was not the best vocal melody person. When I first started rapping, I wasn’t the best rapper at all. – Russ
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