Barry Jenkins I don’t choose to make movies as small as the movies I’ve made. The combined budget of my two films is far under $5 million, but it’s just by necessity that it ends up being that way. – Barry Jenkins Budget Quotes Choose Quotes Combined Quotes Films Quotes Movies Quotes Necessity Quotes I’ve worked at this film festival in Telluride called the Telluride Film Festival. Been there since 2002. I used to make popcorn. I was an usher. Cleaned toilets, everything. Grew up there as a kid. I’m always about, ‘What is the most productive version of what I’m putting into the world?’ Something that can be engaged by all folks. I don’t have to change everyone.
Catherine Cortez-Masto Passion helps you in protecting the community, and public service will follow it. That has been my career. It is the passion that drives me to do what I do every day. – Catherine Cortez-Masto
Bob Woodward Even now there is no evidence that anyone involved in the Nixon operation was going to threaten us. – Bob Woodward
Sarah Gadon I’m part of a generation that’s saying, ‘I don’t want to do just one thing, and I’m going to do things the way I want.’ – Sarah Gadon
Susan Sarandon When I tell people I’m a comedian they say, ‘Oh, are you funny?’ I say, ‘No, it’s not that kind of comedy.’ – Susan Sarandon
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