Barry Ritholtz Narrative drives most of economics. Everything seems to be part of a story, and how that story is told often leads to critical error. – Barry Ritholtz Critical Quotes Drives Quotes Economics Quotes Error Quotes Leads Quotes Narrative Quotes Story Quotes Told Quotes Whenever you try to pick market tops and bottoms, you are making a prediction. Guessing what stock is going to outperform the market is forecasting, as is selling a stock for no apparent reason. Indeed, nearly all capital decisions made by most people are unconscious predictions. You, your employer and your plan’s investment managers fail to follow even the most basic rules of investing. You overtrade, chase performance, do not think long term. All of you – All Of You – have done a horrible job managing your retirement plans.
FamousFrancis I Persons famous in the arts partake of the immortality of princes, and are upon a footing with them. – Francis I
AttitudeMark Billingham My dad was a terrible father. Dreadful. But he had a very difficult childhood. He was fostered – he never knew who his father was. So he had a very different attitude to family and kids. I don’t have any issues. I’m not suffering some secret angst. – Mark Billingham
Massimiliano Allegri Evra, besides being a great professional, is a great person. – Massimiliano Allegri
Andreja Pejic It used to be so important to choose what you were. Gay or straight. Male or female. I think the new generation is more fluid. – Andreja Pejic
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