Ben Vereen If we plant the right seeds, tomorrow will be better. If you put out good things, then you’ll get good things back. That’s part of our responsibility as entertainers. – Ben Vereen Entertainers Quotes Plant Quotes Responsibility Quotes Seeds Quotes Tomorrow Quotes So be encouraged and dedicate yourself to your dream and if your dream should come my way one day then we will dance upon the boards of life. I had a teacher, he was 86 years old and his name was Luigi in New York City, and he said, ‘Never stop moving. You get to reinvent yourself.’ So you have to find ways to reinventing yourself. Especially today, because it’s a whole different market – social media is so important.
Josh Hamilton The whole idea of the suburbs was to create these family-friendly places where people could flock and have more control over their existences, and keep things very controlled and placid and keep outside forces at bay. – Josh Hamilton
M Shadows All I can say to people who don’t think depression is a real thing, or say ‘just suck it up and get over it’ – they just really have no idea. You have to give people the benefit of the doubt that they’re doing the best they can to get through it. – M Shadows
Jack Monroe I’m very careful with the money I have, I pay myself the living wage, and I try to save the rest, because if life has taught me one thing it’s that you never know what is around the corner. – Jack Monroe
Stephen Glover I rap, and I work with this dude named Chemist, who lives in Virginia. He’s my go-to producer and does a lot of my own music – he’s on my ‘Rich Black American’ mixtape. – Stephen Glover
Georges Simenon I have always tried to write in a simple way, using down-to-earth and not abstract words. – Georges Simenon
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